New Collection - Cantilever Flatware & Utensils

The Cantilever no-mess collection floats above your surfaces, improving hygiene and reducing mess. The designers rethought the angles of each piece to put a little distance between what touches food and what rests on the table or counter. Each utensil was designed to look beautiful, weighted to feel right, and tested to ensure it is pleasant to use.

Cantilever flatware and utensils including a knife, fork, spoon, chopsticks, cooking spoon, and spatula.

The Cantilever collection includes a 3 piece flatware set, chopsticks, and cooking utensils.

Cantilever set of knife, spoon, and fork shown on a table with the food-touching parts lifted above the surface by design.  Cantilever chopsticks shown on a table with the food-touching parts lifted above the surface by design.  Cantilever cooking spoon and spatula shown with the food-touching parts lifted above the surface by design.


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